
Above Average

woman bakes cookies with daughter

My favorite quote from Seth Godin, author, and entrepreneur is “quit or be exceptional, average is for losers.” This quote from his book, The Dip, lights a fire in me every time I see it. It inspires me and oddly enough, I look at it as a condensed version of the Proverbs 31 Woman, or Ruby, as I affectionately refer to her.  Ruby is a phenomenal example of Christian womanhood. She is extremely accomplished and full of integrity. I, however, would rewrite the quote to say, ‘be exceptional, average is for losers,” only because quitting is not an option. 

While some of you may be put off by the term ‘loser’, I just personally have found that sometimes I need to give myself tough love. Sometimes, I need to be strict with myself if I want to achieve certain goals because I tend to procrastinate, and being disciplined and consistent is a struggle for me. 

For some people a tough-love approach can be off-putting, however, I’d like to challenge you to consider something.  Scientists have shared that our brains are hard-wired to take the path of least resistance.  It explains why trying to create change in your life is so difficult.  I mean, who really wants to exercise when the new episode of your favorite show is on?  Nobody.  And here’s where tough-love can help you win the battle in your mind and help you achieve your goals.


Over the past few years, I have seen social media vilified for encouraging a culture of comparison, which is harmful to mental health.  It’s interesting to me because I receive a lot of inspiration from social media. Seeing a homeschool mom with six kids manage a tidy home and baking twice a week is truly #momgoals for me. Ruby is that woman for me, above average. She’s that woman on social doing the most, all day, every day.  

Hey ya’ll, look at this cod liver oil I sourced from the freshest, most un-contaminated waters in Norway.  It keeps my children healthy and you can find it here on Amazon.  Cue the carousel of beautiful, healthy, smiling children.  

Ruby excels at all she does and has the fruit to show it. With her in mind, I would like to encourage us all to strive to be above average in all that we do, let’s strive to do our best. Striving to be our best makes room for us to actualize our goals and dreams. It allows us to put away negative self-talk and get up and knock out our to-do list.

I share all of this because again I am noticing a trend of social media messages that placate us. That tell us we are fine just where we are, when we know deep down inside, that we need change. We should reject those who use spiritual ‘isms to give their messages authority, ‘isms like “grace not perfection” or “bless this hot mess.” Ruby would not have wall art in her house that bears any of these statements. She would however rise early, pray, plan, delegate, execute and conquer.


The number one way to get things under control is to have a goal and develop a plan for accomplishing them. In Brian Tracy’s book Eat that Frog, he says that people who have clear, written goals can accomplish up to ten times as much as those who never took the time to write down what they want to accomplish.  Once you’ve got your goals dialed in, get a planner.  We have an exceptional one (if I may say so myself) but use whatever you have.  Get everything out of your brain and write them down.  Plan and prepare for the things your desire, and then execute.

Secondly, create and curate your very best life today because tomorrow is not promised. Cultivate beauty in your life beginning today for, ‘this is the day that the Lord has made rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24) I use the term ‘beauty’ to denote something that brings you joy when you look at it and elicits a positive response within you.

Some ways you can cultivate beauty today

1.     BUY FRESH FLOWERS. They smell and look fantastic and are healthier than any plug-ins.

2.   CREATE A TEATIME. Buy new tea, maybe even thrift dainty teacups, and set aside time to rest.

3.      GROW A GARDEN. It’s relaxing and can help subsidize your grocery bill.

4.      DECLUTTER Get rid of excess stuff. Donate stuff in good shape, toss the rest. 

5.   CREATE A CAPSULE COLLECTION.  Take time to analyze your style. Put things together that work well with each other and look good on you.

Life is short, woman of God. Plant your desired life now, so when it’s harvest time you will have something to reap. You can ‘plant’ exercise now, so you can reap good health later. You can ‘plant’ solid home routines now (cleaning, meal plans, etc.) so you can reap a clean house and stress-free and healthy meals later. Strive for above average.  It does not mean you try to be perfect; it simply means you set goals and you work daily to achieve said goals. 

P31 Field Notes

This month's Steeped Magazine is all about the Proverbs 31 Woman. Click below to read it.



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