
Welcome Friends

Our Mission

Ever place a tea bag in a cup of hot water and take it out after a few seconds?  What you end up with is a cup of weird hot water.

On the other hand, when you let that teabag steep, the flavors begin develop and bloom!  And after a few sips, you start tasting notes of chocolate and raspberry and all that other fancy stuff. 

Just like a teabag we want you to fully develop in your knowledge of God’s word. We want you to bloom by setting aside time to sit at the feet of Jesus.  We want you to squeeze out all the goodness of God’s word, and apply it to your life.

And you can do it by steeping in the Word of God.  That’s why we call our ministry Stay Steeped.

We invite you to steep deeply into God’s word with us.


Become a Well-Planned Woman

proverbs 31 woman

We make organizational tools with this goal in mind:  to help you become a well-planned woman.  A woman who organizes her day and plans to succeed, just like the Proverbs 31 woman.