He Goes Before You
‘I will go before youAnd make the crooked places straight;I will break in pieces the gates of bronzeAnd cut the bars of iron. – Isaiah 45:2 Have you ever been in a situation where
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‘I will go before youAnd make the crooked places straight;I will break in pieces the gates of bronzeAnd cut the bars of iron. – Isaiah 45:2 Have you ever been in a situation where
Being a Christian doesn’t exempt us from difficult life issues. Oftentimes, the closer you get to God, the more intense the spiritual battles get. As you start praying scripture, as you start fasting, as
Ever felt like the times when you relied on your own understanding instead of trusting the Lord things just went…south? In Genesis 17:16 God speaks to Abraham about his wife Sarah, saying “and I
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The Fasting Toolkit
When it comes to fasting, how well you prepare will impact the results you see, so make time to prep with our Fasting Toolkit