
Introducing Steeped Magazine

Ya’ll, we are so excited to to share our new magazine with you!

Our goal is to have space where we can dive deep into the world of crochet and baking and book reading projects. Things that are light, and fun, and warm the heart. Things that give you rest along with some Bible talk that make you go hmm…. 🤔

So here we go! Our first issue kicks off with self-care.  More specifically:  fitness!  

Caring for your body, inside and out is an important part of having abundant life and being fit for His service.  We are in a battle and your health will not only make a difference in your energy, stamina and productivity during the day, it will also affect your ability to physically serve Him. 

So…it’s June…the half-way mark, and the perfect time to do a a self-assessment.  

Are you still putting in the work to reach your fitness goals this year?   

Leave a comment below and let us know if you’re on track or if this is the wakeup call that you needed!




The Goodness Planner

Power through your day with the goodness planner.   A daily agenda to help you stay organized, productive, and growing in Christ.


Christian women pray together

The Community

A FaCEBOOK GROUp for christian women

This Facebook Group created to provide each other with encouragement and inspiration to live abundantly through Christ.  

Let’s help each other and grow together!

In Your Inbox

let’s be pen pals

Dropping in with weekly Biblical  wisdom to help you win spiritual battles, and have the Matthew 6:33 life Jesus promised.  

She Plans

Planning and organizational resources for Christian women

She Worships

A playlist curated by our Stay Steeped Instagram and Facebook community 

5-Step Fasting Plan

A Biblical fasting plan that gets results

If you’ve been facing a challenging situation and you’re not seeing improvement (no matter how much you pray), it’s time to do something different.  It’s time to fast.

Now before you push that plate away, you should have a good plan in place to  position you for massive success.

Download our free Fasting Toolkit and learn to fight the way Jesus did. 

Grab the Toolkit!

For Christian Women Who Want All of God’s Goodness


Every Tuesday we will pop in your inbox with a message to encourage and motivate you to keep seeking God’s best.

Become a Well-Planned Woman

proverbs 31 woman

We make organizational tools with this goal in mind:  to help you become a well-planned woman.  A woman who organizes her day and plans to succeed, just like the Proverbs 31 woman.Â