
Delight in the Lord

tea cup with the words and his heart took delight in the ways of the lord

This morning I came across the word “delight” in scripture and it jumped out at me. 

In 2 Chronicles 17:6, the Bible says King Jehosophat “took delight in the ways of the Lord”.  And because he chose to follow His commandments, God established him and he had riches and honor in abundance. 

To “delight” says Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary is “to take great pleasure”.  So to delight in following God’s ways is to “take great pleasure in following God’s ways”.  To enjoy it.  

I asked myself, what would hinder someone from being able to delight in the ways of God?  A heavy heart?  

If we back up a bit to 2 Chronicles 16:9, it says “ For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”

So God’s eyes are looking at the condition of your heart.  What does He see?

Can we just do a heart check today?  

Is there anything that’s weighing your heart down?  Anything that could hinder your ability to delight in the Lord?  

If so, don’t ignore it.  Be brave and deal with it.  Because He’s looking at your heart.

Is it unforgiveness?  Perhaps a forever friend who grew distant and you feel some resentment.   Perhaps there’s anger that entered your heart after your parents’ divorce?  Where has the unforgiveness rested?  Take some time to search your heart and then ask the Holy Spirit to give you the grace to genuinely forgive all those who’ve hurt you.   



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