We are SUPER close to the end of the year, so we’d like to take a moment and share some 3 tips to help get you prepped and ready for a successful end year fast.
Tip #1: Meal Prep
The last thing you want to do while battling your own hunger, is to spend hours in the kitchen cooking up meals for your family, or responding to the urgent request from little ones who want snacks. The best thing you can do is meal prep. Make family favorite freezer meals and quick assembly meals that you or your family can easily put together that leaves them happy and allows you to devote more time to prayer.
Tip #2: Decide what you’re fasting for
Fasts should be goal-oriented. Do some heart searching and isolate where you need breakthrough, where you still hurt, where you need a miracle. Now you might come up with a long list of issues, but I encourage you to limit your fast to the most pressing need, and only expand if you have sufficient time to do the scripture research in the next tip.
Tip #3: Scripture Research
For every area that you are fasting for you will need to gather scriptures that relate to that issue. You can comb through your Bible, or use the internet to search for scriptures regarding what you are fasting for. If you are desiring marriage, you can do a variety of search combinations like “marriage scriptures” or “scriptures about marriage”.
Be sure to tack on the Bible version you prefer (NKJV/KJV) and then write these scriptures on index cards. Alternatively you can use the scriptures found online as a reference guide, locating each in your Bible and writing out your cards from your Bible. Use these cards as the basis for your prayers during your fast and to practice scripture memorization.
Tell us...
How do you prepare for a fast? Do you have some tips or best practices? Leave a comment and let us know! And don’t forget to download our FREE Fasting Toolkit. Click the link below