It’s important that you stay level headed so you can effectively pray for your family. This is why the enemy wants us to be preoccupied with busyness or be overwhelmed with feelings of anger or distrust after an argument.
So we will be distracted.
So we won’t be focused.
So we won’t be fervent in our prayers.
Women of God (WOG), the dreams and thoughts that sometimes pop into your mind should be the basis of your prayer points. Keep tying your needs to the Bible – looking for the Word of God concerning your needs, and use it to pray over your life, your husband, your kids, extended relatives, your community, unbelievers. Keep praying. Keep declaring and decreeing the Word of God so that it will go forth into the world and accomplish what it was purposed to do.
Our words are so important. That’s why we will be judged for idle words. Our words are like spiritual guided missiles. They go forth and spiritually can accomplish what you set it for.
“so shall My Word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void. But it shall accomplish what I please. And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”
Isaiah 55:11 Tweet
There is a place for quiet meditation, however, it is important to remember that your voice is one of the most powerful tools in your spiritual arsenal. Additionally, your voice + the Word of God is the power combo you need to win in 2022.
If there was ever a time for you WOG to recognize the supernatural power of your voice, it is NOW! Please allow me to use some worldly examples to help you visualize your powers. As silly as it sounds, I think it would be helpful for us to think of ourselves as superheroes, but our special powers aren’t sticky hands that help us stick to walls. Part of our powers is our ability to say something and it see it manifest in real life.
How do I declare and decree things, you may ask?
Simply, find scriptures that correlate to the issues you are facing or seeing.
Some IMPORTANT factors before you begin:
- You must be in right standing with God. Many of these promises are conditional and based on you living a righteous lifestyle. Repent of your sins. Ask for forgiveness.
- Be a child a God. If you have not yet accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior, why not do so today? Say this simple prayer if you want God to come into your heart and change you.
- PRAYER: Lord, I admit that I have sinned and done things that are wrong. I thank you that you died on the cross to take away all my sins. Please forgive me. I receive your forgiveness now and declare that I want to live for You for the rest of my life. I invite You into my heart. Come and fill my life with your Holy Spirit. I now depend completely on you. Amen.