There’s a woman in the Bible that I’ve come to admire so much. Her name is Abigail and she was a woman who planned well.
Abigail was a woman who without advance notice, could take two hundred loaves of bread, two skins of wine, five sheep already dressed, five seahs of roasted grain, one hundred clusters of raisins, and two hundred cakes of figs, load them up on donkeys and send them to feed an army of hungry soldiers (1 Samuel 25:18).
She was ready.
She was exceptional.
My favorite quote from Seth Godin, author, and entrepreneur is “quit or be exceptional, average is for losers.” This quote from his book, The Dip, lights a fire in me every time I see it. It inspires me and oddly enough, I look at it as a condensed version of the Proverbs 31 Woman.
While some may be put off by the term ‘loser’, I have found that sometimes I need to give myself tough love. Sometimes, I need to be strict with myself if I want to achieve certain goals because I tend to procrastinate, and being disciplined and consistent is a struggle for me.
For those who find a tough-love approach off-putting, I’d like to challenge you to consider something. Scientists have shared that our brains are hard-wired to take the path of least resistance. It explains why trying to create change in your life is so difficult. I mean, who really wants to exercise when the new episode of your favorite show is on? Nobody. And here’s where tough-love can help you win the battle in your mind and help you achieve your goals.
Here’s where tough-love can help you achieve exceptional results.
Abigail results.
If you have been disorganized, flying by the seat of your pants, without a system to plan your day, I challenge you to plan well this year.
We have a planner in our shop that can help you grow in your walk with God and get things done. Click the link below!