
Dealing with depression? Just press play

With 163 million views on YouTube, Sinach’s song “Waymaker” is kinda popular :-).  Two of my favorite covers come from “Third Exodus Assembly” and a worship team at a small church in Cape Town, South Africa.  

I’ll never forget that night.  It was New Year’s Eve, and about mid-way through worship, I heard the initial strains of Waymaker get layered into the set.   Once it kicked into high gear, the band threw in some electric guitar, added a praise break, and then came back and went up an octave.  And then another.   I looked over at my sister and we shared a giggle.  It was officially a Waymakah concert and it left the room spent.  Done.  Nothing left.  And it was all because of that sound.  That sound that unlocks doors. That sound that opens heavens.   

And that’s the power of music.  There’s a frequency embedded in it that can usher you into different dimensions. A pathway opens within you allowing spiritual deposits to be made (good or bad) all depending on what you’re listening to.  A pathway that can allow yokes to be broken, strongholds to be released,  darkness to dissipate, and light to seep in. 

If you’re dealing with a spirit of depression today, I challenge you to stop giving it room to take root. Don’t give it a permanent seat at your table.  Stop making a plan to manage it.  Plan to tackle it head-on.  Plan to make worship part of that protocol. 

And so it was, whenever the spirit from God was upon Saul, that David would take a harp and play it with his hand. Then Saul would become refreshed and well, and the distressing spirit would depart from him.

Saul would send for David to play music whenever a distressing spirit of depression came upon him. Why? Because demonic spirits can’t compete with the spirit of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.  The Bible says He inhabits the praises of Israel (Psalm 22:3). That means that the spirit of depression MUST bow in the presence of the spirit of the Most High God. It has no choice.  

that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Dear sister, the next time you feel like you’re about to slip into a dark space, don’t wait:  be your own David and change the frequency in your space through worship.

And if you are so low that you can’t lift up your voice, just press play.   The right sound is an invisible, but powerful weapon.    Keep it nearby.  Deploy it as needed.  One of the YouTube channels that we turn to over and over again is Dappy Keys.  His music can quickly “wake up” a space and spiritualize the atmosphere.   No singing required. 



Is there a worship song that has ever given you a breakthrough when you were feeling low, or helped you really feel the presence of God?   Share it below and hopefully someone else will be able to be blessed by it as well!

Are you battling with depression? don't make a plan to live with it, try a worship playlist



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  • The songs that have helped me so much and uplift my spirit are these two especially during this season!
    Sparrows by Cory Asbury
    Throne Room by Kim Walker Smith
    Reckless Love of Hod by Cory Asbury

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